Julia: Live-In, Joyful House
Julia joined L’Arche St. Louis at the beginning of Summer 2020, with the pandemic in full swing. She has jumped into her work at the Joyful House and even moved in to Joyful at the beginning of Fall 2020. She is currently still a live-in at Joyful, while occasionally supporting at Sunrise House as well. Here is what Julia had to say about L’Arche:
“Part of being with L'Arche means creating a space for adults with and without disabilities to be together to fully be themselves, and I've been grateful to have the opportunity to be welcome and cared for just for showing up authentically.”
“I love that the center of my work at L'Arche is building meaningful relationships. It feels really life-giving to know that one of the most important things I'll do while working is to be intentionally present to core members and other assistants.”