A Letter from Paula

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Dear friends,

Soon it will be Christmas, then a new year. Each season calls us into a spirit of gratitude, to say thank you to God and to one another. I am so very grateful for you and all our friends and supporters. My heart is full of gratitude for the circle of care that holds the people and mission of L’Arche St. Louis. We never take this for granted. Your support, always a gift, freely given and freely renewed, is precious. From everyone who is part of our daily life community and our Board, a heartfelt Thank you!

Today I am also thinking of the pandemic which has impacted us all. It has reminded us that we are not in control of many things. The art of living has much to do with how we respond to what happens around us. The pandemic also prompts us to confront the truth that the choices we make affect others, and that their choices have an impact on us. To be safe, to be well, and to thrive we need each other.

It has also become painfully clear that the consequence of infection is more acute for some than for others. Some among us must be carefully protected as much as humanly possible. The women and men who are at the center of our L’Arche community are among these people. I cannot adequately express how deeply moved I am by the integrity of our L’Arche members and the commitment they are making day after day, week after week, and month after month to ensure the safety of each person:

  • All of our Core Members, those with an intellectual disability, have given up their regular daytime activities to stay at home. They have sacrificed their familiar work and recreation in favor of protecting themselves and their housemates.

  • All of our caregiving Assistants are living out a pandemic protocol that limits social contact even outside of L’Arche. I see them embracing this challenge in a spirit of love and service to others.

  • In the early days of the virus several Assistants agreed to move into a L’Arche home for an extended period. This reduced the coming and going and promoted the safety of all.

  • As a community, we have refrained from gathering in our usual and favorite ways, creatively reinventing how we celebrate with one another.

None of this is easy. But I can truly say that there is a palpable spirit of joy in our community. How can this be?

Our L’Arche community has a heartbeat and a rhythm, one we have always had, that is an invaluable strength to us during this time of trial. Our long experience of consciously living daily life together has given us the relational muscles needed to flourish even in this extended time of being at home. We know how to appreciate the little moments together that create each day. Togetherness is not a burden, something we must accept while waiting to “get out.” Rather it is our purpose and the place where we find connection and meaning. I also see how our practice of listening to each person, irrespective of their role in our community, helps us to understand and respond to each person’s needs in the best way possible.

We can also be proud, you and all in the L’Arche family, for how we are raising the bar for what caring, and community, can mean. For those who have eyes to see, we are elevating the profession of caregiving and are a model for others, in their homes and in local institutions.

In the coming year we will celebrate our 10th anniversary (stay tuned for more on this!). Today, I invite you to connect with and support our lasting mission in two ways. First, give thanks with us for all that has been given to L’Arche. Our life together and the wisdom we have fostered is not just for ourselves – it is for all to share!

I also ask that you generously share your financial resources with L’Arche. This year we need $440,000 to maintain health and nurture joy through loving and thoughtful care. Yes, this is a big goal, and we can only reach it together. By giving and investing with intentionality, each according to our means, L’Arche will have the financial fuel it needs to thrive.

Invest in the people and mission of L’Arche St. Louis
by making a financial gift today.

Thank you for being with us on this journey.

Warmly, and in gratitude,

Paula Kilcoyne
Executive Director & Community Leader

P.S. You can support our mission online at this link or by calling 314-405-8025. Visit our “Ways to Give” page for information on giving with a Donor-Advised Fund or from your IRA Required Minimum Distribution. We have a Planned Giving program, too!

Sharing our resources with others is a powerful way of loving. So, please love deeply!


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