Get to Know Maria Schroeder!
Chip has returned to his job at the L'Arche office, and he has started his famous Interviews with L'Arche Folks series again along with his trusty sidekick Amy C! Maria Schroeder (née Fitzgerald) was honored to be asked for the first post-vaccine interview.
Here are Chip's questions and Maria’s answers:
How long have you been married?
I got married June 27th. I've been married 8.5 months.
Where did you go to college?
I graduated from Barnard for an undergraduate in political science in 2006 and then got an MSW at SLU in 2018
How long have you worked at L'Arche?
7.5 years
What are your hobbies?
Knitting, crocheting, swimming, walking her dog, reading, ukulele, piano, journaling
What's your favorite place?
Shaw's coffee house on the hill, going to the ocean in Maine in the summer
How many sisters do you have and where do they live?
My younger sister lives in Connecticut, and her older sister lives in Nebraska.
Do you have any trips coming up or plans after COVID?
Next week I'll be going to Potosi for spring break. I hope to visit family again sometime soon
What do you miss about living at Sunrise?
Coffee, sharing breakfast, watching cardinals games, making each other laugh
What do you love about L'Arche?
Everyone cares about and advocates for everyone else. People are hopeful and passionate about L'Arche
How old is Jonny? What does he like to do?
6 years old. He loves Legos.