Chip Gets to Know Julia!

Julia with housemates Mary Ellen and Jordan!

Chip and Amy in the office interviewed Julia last week over a hot cup of tea. Julia is the live-in Assistant House Leader at Joyful House and also sometimes shares life at Sunrise. Here is what Chip and Amy learned about Julia during their interview!

How did you hear about L’Arche?
From Susie, a former Summer Intern at St. James who used to be my roommate!

What was your favorite camping trip?
I once camped at a volcano in Guatemala

What’s the best vacation you’ve taken?
Santa Cruz

What’s your favorite hobby?

What’s a good movie you’ve seen?
Knives Out

Do you have brothers and sisters?
One older brother

What’s your favorite place to eat?
Southwest Diner

What’s one of your favorite L’Arche memories?
My first Joyful House vacation - we went to the lake!

What’s your favorite sport?

If you could have any superpowers, what would they be?
Flying and mind-reading!


Chip works at the L’Arche St. Louis office on Mondays and Wednesdays. During his free time, he enjoys watching films, listening to music, and going for walks to the neighborhood coffee shop. He has been a member of the L’Arche community since 2012.


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