Donor Spotlight on the Agniel Family

The Agniel family has supported the L’Arche St. Louis homes and members in countless ways. Whether cooking dinner, providing transportation, serving on the Board of Directors, planning events, or being loving and dedicated family members, Ted and Donna Agniel are blessings to all in the L’Arche community.

Ted and Donna have seen the L’Arche mission transform their own lives and the lives of each member of their family as they lived the mission at home with their daughter, now a L’Arche Core Member. They believe that the message of respect, belonging, and celebration offers the same opportunity for transformation to all who encounter it. In the midst of a city, country, and culture so often characterized by division, Ted and Donna believe L’Arche is more important now than ever before. L’Arche teaches communication, acceptance, and reconciliation.

As founding members of the St. Louis branch of the organization, they truly believe in the philosophy of L’Arche. They want to continue seeing this community succeed and grow, even beyond the point when they can personally make their monthly donation.

Donna and Ted take comfort in knowing that estate giving will make it possible for future families to encounter the transformative message of belonging that L’Arche offers, just as their own family did.

Interested in including L’Arche St. Louis in your own estate plans? Visit for information about planned giving, or email!


Meghan has been a member of the L’Arche St. Louis family since 2017. She enjoys reading, writing, biking, coffee shops, and spending time with friends.


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