An End-of-Year Message from Paula

Over the last several weeks my email inbox and voicemail have been inundated with messages asking if L’Arche St. Louis can welcome people in need of emergency care. There is a growing crisis for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities in our city, state, and country. Several local agencies for people with disabilities have experienced extreme staff shortages, forcing them to close and turn away the very people whose lives had been entrusted to them. It hurts that I cannot answer every urgent email and phone call with a “Yes,” because L’Arche also does not currently have the capacity.

Caregiving is an intense and complex 24/7 undertaking. High quality, individualized, person-centered care for those who are very vulnerable is what we do at L’Arche. I know I speak for all of us in the daily life of our homes when I say that it has never been more of a privilege than now during the pandemic to live the sensitive and sacred responsibility of caregiving. It is the core of our mission. We do not and will not give up.

A few months ago, L’Arche St. Louis purchased a unique property in Brentwood. The large three-story building was used for the past 100 years to provide care for medically-fragile children with disabilities. Now, we have the accessible space to grow and begin responding to the great need I hear about every day for adults with disabilities. Our leadership and support teams have recently moved into this space, and our inclusive daytime programming can expand. Extra bedrooms will be used to welcome immersion groups and interns who want to learn about L’Arche’s holistic approach to caregiving. Students of all ages will learn about creating a world where everyone belongs. 

This growth is not taken for granted, especially amidst lingering challenges of the pandemic. But L’Arche St. Louis is committed to continuing this mission and expanding our reach. Fulfilling that is enormous, but our dedicated team has learned that we can do something extraordinary together that none of us can do alone. It requires an organizational culture grounded in the conviction that each person’s life is an irreplaceable gift. It demands that we are deeply dedicated to the well-being of our amazing caregivers through constant training and formation. It means that our Board and Leadership Team are clear and firm on why and how we need to invest so that our outstanding care in warm neighborhood homes will endure. It takes committed donors and friends like you who support us and trust us to use your gifts wisely. I am deeply proud of and awed by the commitment that is evident in the lives of everyone who is part of our L’Arche family.

Beautiful moments at L’Arche flow out of the culture of trust shaped by this personal commitment. I’d like to share a story of this that I hold in my heart.

Jeff came to our Sunrise home almost three years ago when his mother realized that she was living the final years of her life. Jeff quickly warmed to his new housemates and enthusiastically embraced his life in L’Arche. He joined our recruitment team and loves to talk with people about his home and community. His joyful spirit and eagerness to engage others make him an ideal L’Arche ambassador. It is clear that he has chosen L’Arche as his home and second family!

Jeff’s mom died several months ago after a short illness. He knew immediately that he wanted to have a pizza party to celebrate his mother’s life and to bring his friends, old and new, around him at this important moment. And the response was overwhelming! A former L’Arche housemate flew in from Arkansas. L’Arche daily life members disrupted routines to support their friend. Summer interns, volunteers, Board members, and past Assistants were also there beside his mom’s lifetime friends and hospice care team, all to be with Jeff as he celebrated his mom’s life.

Several days later I happened to overhear a precious exchange between Jeff and two housemates:

Housemates Jim and Jeff love making artwork together.

Sorry to hear about your mom, said Chip. And also Jimmy’s brother.
responded Jeff. You, me, and Jimmy.
My parents are getting older too
, Chip said.

The three men then sat together in silence.

Jeff and his housemates have found real friends, quality care, and a life of relative security at L’Arche St. Louis. You, our circle of support, have invested in this mission and these stories. You believe that together we can change lives. We value and need your partnership, perhaps now more than ever. Will you reaffirm your commitment to the people and mission of L’Arche?

As we approach the year’s end, please give to this mission generously, and trust that whatever your financial capacity, your contribution is vital and greatly appreciated.

We wish you and your loved ones a safe and celebratory holiday season.

With gratitude,

Paula Kilcoyne
Executive Director & Community Leader


Paula is the Executive Director and Community Leader of L’Arche St. Louis. She’s been in L’Arche for 30+ years and is excited to be helping the St. Louis community grow!


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