Walk and Roll: Celebrating Inclusive Community!
The third annual L’Arche St. Louis Walk and Roll was a huge success! Nearly 200 people with and without intellectual disabilities (I/DD) gathered at Brentwood Park on Saturday morning, making this our largest Walk and Roll yet. It was exciting to gather with so many new and longtime friends, family from out of state, and people with and without I/DD from other agencies around St. Louis.
Each year, the L'Arche St. Louis Walk and Roll brings people with and without disabilities together to enjoy music, face painting, food, a basket raffle, and of course a walk around the park. It also raises funds to support our lifetime homes and Family Support program. You can still contribute using the button below - thank you!
One of the big highlights of the morning was hearing from Kurt! Kurt recently moved into Sunrise House after being part of our Family Support program. He shared more about our inclusive community and how he contributes at his new home. He gave everyone a better understanding of the L’Arche St. Louis mission and the importance of belonging.
We also had an amazing team of volunteers who made the day run smoothly. The McKnight Crossings Youth Group joined us for the third year in a row! One of our Assistants brought her sorority sisters from Kappa Delta at SLU to help out, and we also had students from Creighton University and St. Dominic High School.
To round out the morning, Edward from L’Arche St. Louis and Tyler from Sneaky’s Bar & Burger Joint in Edwardsville grilled hot dogs for everyone! A barbecue picnic was the perfect way to end our autumn morning together at the beautiful Brentwood Park.