Get to know Board member Pat!

Pat and Chip are pictured above showing off the banner that Chip made for our new Board member orientation!

Pat and Chip are pictured above showing off the banner that Chip made for our new Board member orientation!

Chip sat down with L’Arche St. Louis Board member Pat Taylor to learn more about her. Pat joined our Board of Directors early in 2021 but was a friend and supporter of L’Arche before that. Here are Pat’s answers to all of Chip’s questions!

1. How did you hear about L'Arche?
I heard about it from Phil Ludbrook through Grace Church.

2. What's your role on the board?
I joined the board in 2021 so I'm still learning all about L'Arche.

3. Why did you decide to be a board member?
I was at a time in life when things were settling down so I thought I'd have more time to help.

4. What do you like to do in St. Louis?
Going to the Muny!

5. Do you have family nearby?
I've been married 15 years. My husband had three children and five grandchildren. I had three children and four grandchildren. Three of the grandchildren live in the neighborhood and another four grandchildren will be staying with me temporarily. So I have a lot of family nearby.

6. What are your hobbies?
I like creating with fabrics such as quilting, and I also like gardening.

7. Where did you grow up?
Cincinnati, Ohio

8. What's your favorite ice cream flavor?
Banana split with all the toppings!

9. What job do you have now? What was your favorite job?
I'm retired. My favorite job was working at Marriott Hotels.

10. What is your favorite restaurant?
Greek Kitchen in Kirkwood! Bristol's is also good.

11. If you could have any animal as a pet, what would it be?
I don't have pets. If I could have any animal, I'd have a cuddly tiger.

12. Favorite musical?
Les Miserables


Chip works at the L’Arche St. Louis office on Mondays and Wednesdays. During his free time, he enjoys watching films, listening to music, and going for walks to the neighborhood coffee shop. He has been a member of the L’Arche community since 2012.


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