Get to Know our Board Secretary!

Phil enjoys attending all the L’Arche events, including our annual Ice Cream Social, shown above!

Phil enjoys attending all the L’Arche events, including our annual Ice Cream Social, shown above!

As part of Chip’s interview series, he’s been talking with each of our Board members. In this interview, Chip asked Dr. Phil Ludbrook about everything from his younger years to what he loves about L’Arche. Read on to learn more about the L’Arche St. Louis Board Secretary!

How did you get started with L'Arche?
I was involved in L'Arche St. Louis very early on. Chip's mother read about L'Arche and thought it would be wonderful if L'Arche started in St. Louis. Then once L'Arche started here, Chip's mother encouraged me to become a Board member.

What type of doctor are you?
I trained as an internist and specialized in cardiology.

When is your birthday?
November 15th

What jobs did you have when you were young?
I worked at a pet shop, and I also picked grapes.

Do you have any siblings?
I have a sister, Jan, who worked as a professor and writer.

What is a favorite place you've lived?
I lived in Australia and I loved the beach. I also used to live in England and San Diego.

If you could travel anywhere now, where would you go?
I'd travel up the East Coast to Maine.

Do you have any pets?
I have two dachshunds dogs. One is 15 years old and one is a puppy.

What are your hobbies?
Reading, fixing things, stained glass, gardening

What do you like about L'Arche?
It's a new way of thinking about care for people with disabilities. It's people living together as a family. Eating together. Being together. It's a very different experience than how patients are treated in a hospital.


Chip works at the L’Arche St. Louis office on Mondays and Wednesdays. During his free time, he enjoys watching films, listening to music, and going for walks to the neighborhood coffee shop. He has been a member of the L’Arche community since 2012.


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